Military Career Classes
The United States Military provides training and work experience in almost all occupations that are available to civilians, but also those that are specific to the military. Members of the Armed Forces serve on active duty in the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps, in the Reserve components – the Air National Guard and Army National Guard – or in the Coast Guard as part of homeland security.
If you are interested in more information on a career in the Military, simply choose a school below and request information on financial aid, tuition costs, course offerings, and much more.

Is A Career in the Military Right For Me?
Military members are divided into either Enlisted Personnel or Officers. Enlisted Personnel makes up about 85% of the Armed Forces and participates in combat operations as well as serve as front line supervisors, serve as technicians and can operate and maintain equipment as well. Officers make up about 15% and supervise, manage and lead the enlisted personnel into combat. They also operate and control aircraft, ships, or armored vehicle, and serve as professionals for the military in medical, legal, engineering, and other fields.
Basic pay is based on rank and time in service. Members of the Armed Forces receive additional pay for foreign duty, hazardous duty, submarine duty, flight duty, and for being medical officers. Retirement pay is generally available after 20 years of service. For more information regarding pay for Enlisted Personnel and Officers, visit
In addition to basic pay, members of the military are housed for free on-base or receive allowances for housing, with higher allowances for those with dependents.
Military members will also be entitled to the Montgomery GI Bill, which will pay for a portion of educational costs at accredited institutions (see below); medical care at military or VA hospitals; and guaranteed home loans.
If you are interested in more information on a career in the Military, simply choose a school below and request information on financial aid, tuition costs, course offerings, and much more.

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